Parkinson Canada Webinar – Mindfulness and Self Compassion
May 11th, 12:00pm EDT (noon)
Catherine L. Phillips MD, FRCP(C) is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, and an Assistant Clinical Professor at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Alberta. She has taught meditation and integrated it into her clinical work since 1982. She is a certified MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) teacher through the Center for Mindfulness (CFM), University of Massachusetts Medical School, an MBSR Teacher Mentor through UCSD CFM, and has offered MBSR programs in Edmonton since 2006 and MSC (Mindful Self Compassion) programs since 2015. Catherine was the Canadian representative on an international committee to establish international guidelines and standards for the teaching and teacher training of Mindfulness Based Programs (MBPs). She has provided workshops in Mindfulness across North America and is published in the field of Mindfulness in Medicine and Mindfulness in Education. Further information can be found regarding Catherine and her work on .